Monday 11 May 2020

My New Labrador Puppy

Let me start of by saying I didn't rush out during lock down to buy a new puppy out of loneliness or whatever reason. While I understand people's reasoning for this, our puppy was very much pre-planned and the deposit had been paid right at the start of March- way before lock down was announced.

Now the disclaimer is out of the way... Meet Knox! 

As you can probably guess by the title, he is a Labrador puppy, and is currently nine weeks old.
Before I go any further, I want to say that puppies are hard. Really hard. I thought I was prepared for the reality of a puppy, but I hadn't appreciated how much they turn your life upside down. I've touched on this is a previous post- it is impossible to do certain things at home while you have a very curious puppy following you around all day. I attempted a home workout this morning while Knox was asleep, only for him to wake up in the middle and cut the workout short by repeatedly attempting to undo my shoelaces. He's currently in the stage where he insists on following me around everywhere, and generally isn't comfortable chilling in a room on his own yet, so I have to accommodate this throughout the day.

Not only are puppies hard, getting a puppy in lock down is extremely hard. There is no way of socialising him with other people and dogs, as we can't mix with other households and he's not had his second round of jabs. We have two more weeks before he goes back to the vets, so I'm counting down the days until I can take him out for walks. He briefly met my friends dog during a social distance friendly chat, and he reacted quite well to that, so I'm looking forward to him getting to meet others.

Now I do want to talk about something that you really have to go looking for if you want information: Puppy Blues. Now I'd never heard of this before getting Knox- in my mind getting a new pup would mean sheer joy and happiness/ rainbows. The reality of this was quite different for me. He initially seemed to really struggle setting in at home, and although looking back I can see it was entirely normal, during that period I was so convinced I was doing something wrong and he wasn't happy. I spent hours trawling the information about new puppies, and there is so much conflicting advice online that I gave up in the end and went by gut feeling more than anything else. I think all those feelings were magnified by being in lock down and not being able to meet anyone and talk to them about it. Overall, it was a pretty hard week or two while I adjusted, and there definitely isn't enough information on the surface of things.

However- after adjusting to having a puppy in this house, I can honestly say I love it. There are still challenging times, but they are forgotten in the midst of his craziness and cleverness. The past few days, as I've been sat in the kitchen working on my blog he's been my little guard dog sat beside me napping away and bringing me toys to play with (as well as hoping for more food to be given to him) and he's really brighten my day.

A typical schedule for us looks like:
6-6.30 am: Wake up time 
7-10.30 am: Breakfast, then this time is split between playing and training
10.30-12 pm: Nap time. This amount varies depending on how active he has been in the morning
12ish: Dinner (happy time)
12.30- 5 pm: Knox spends this time playing, training and napping until Ollie gets home from work.
6- 12 pm: Knox will have his third meal at 6.30 and will spend the rest of the night playing and napping (puppies sleep a lot)
12 pm: Bed time! Knox sleeps straight through until the morning- this took around a week to settle down as opposed to getting up 2/3 times a night.

If you've made it this far, well done and thank you!
 Feel free to comment talking about your experiences with a puppy- I'd love to read them!

Sunday 10 May 2020

Lockdown Wishlist: Things I can't wait to do

So unless you've been living under a rock, you'll have noticed the world has gone crazy the past few months. What started as something I watched on the news with mild interest rapidly turned my world on its head, and for the past god knows how long we've all had to get used to a completely different lifestyle.

As I work in a special needs school, we responded slightly differently to the lock down than other schools. Initially, we shut our school down even before lock down was announced, due to the vulnerability of out children. After a few weeks, the setting was reassessed on how we could open safely and since then we have been operating on a rota basis, meaning there are only a few members of staff in at a time. Since lock down began, I have only been to work for one week, and am currently furloughed from my other two jobs, so I've had a lot of time to think and reflect.

So here are the top things on my list I cant wait to do (when it is safe to do so of course).

  • Go and visit my Mum and Nan (and the rest of my family). I haven't seen my family properly for ages. Before lockdown there were the floods, meaning it was impossible for me to cross the river and see them. My mum doesn't drive, so she is fully reliant on me being able to drive and get her, and due to our hours worked we never seem to have time together. They are both on the vulnerable list, so while I have dropped some essentials off for them it's not the same as actually being able to go inside the house for a cuppa, or even give them a hug. As soon as it is considered safe to meet with other people again, I'll be heading there.

  • See my best friend. I'm fortunate enough that she only lives five minutes down the road, so we managed to have a very socially distanced chat a couple of weeks ago while she walked her dog (and her dog could meet our new puppy). While we message each other most days, it just isn't the same as being able to sit down and have a proper chat together and to give each other a hug (there's a theme here).

  • Exercise properly. This ties in with the previous point- my friend and I go to a Muey Thai class together every week, and I also go to a Clubbersize class as well as the gym. I'm really missing being able to attend exercise classes and going to the gym as this was something I really enjoyed. The first couple of weeks after lock down was announced I had started to focus on home work outs and going for an hours walk every day, but then we got pup and everything changed again. When he is allowed on walks it will be better, but at the moment its very hard to exercise at home when you have a very curious puppy trying to bite your ankles every five seconds.

  • This is a much less important thing to be worrying about, but I really can't wait to be able to get my eyebrows and nails done again. I've only ever had my nails done four times in my life, and the last time was when I was nineteen. I decided a couple of weeks ago that as soon as it was safe to do so, I would treat myself to a set of nails as I get really bored and impatient doing my own. I'm really looking forward to getting my eyebrows threading again, as I tried to get it done not long before lock down was announced but the lady wasn't working, so they are long overdue a thread. In comparison to everything else, these are small things just for myself but I'm sooooo looking forward to it. Except maybe the pain of threading.

  • Work. I'm one of those people who really enjoys their job, and while this year has been hard work I absolutely love it and without work I'm never quite sure what to do with myself. I've tried to help out as much as possible from home but it's just not the same. This is the longest period of time I've had away from a job since I was fifteen, so it's taken a while to adjust.

As I'm writing this, the whole of England is waiting for BoJo's speech later on, about what is happening with the lock down. I'm not entirely sure how I feel about the lock down being lifted (if it is) as while it means I may be able to return to some normality, it doesn't bode well that we will be the only country in the UK to have not extended their lock down. Unfortunately, I think that even with a lifting of restrictions it's going to take a very long time for life to return back to normal afterwards.

Beauty Bay Haul

So for my first blog post in a very long time, I thought what better than to post my most recent haul from Beauty Bay. It's been such a long time since I treated my self to new make-up and skincare products, and I'm so excited to use these products.

First up, skincare bits.

Truthfully, I ordered the Glycolic Toner as I couldn't get my hands on my usual brand, and this was highly rated on BB. However, I'm really looking forward to using this to see how it compares to other brands and the benefits for my skin. I have used the Enzyme Gel before as part of their 50th Birthday set, so I already know I really like this.

I have used both the Hyaluronic Acid and the Niacinamide before, so I know these both work really well for my skin and are a useful part of my routine. I'm really looking forward to incorporating the Squalane Cleanser in my routine, as some of the reviews I have read say how good it is at removing make-up. Time will tell! 

Also included in this is the Revolution Caffeine Essence Spray- I just haven't got a photo of this! I'm still not 100% sure I'm convinced facial mists really do make a massive difference in a skincare routine like what they say they do on the bottle, but I really enjoy using a mist as if nothing else, it helps to make my face feel refreshed. Hopefully, the caffeine in this will actually help brighten up my complexion.

Next up... Make up bits!

I know I love love love this foundation. I've used it before and it seems to really suit my skin type (oily but dehydrated) and lasts for a really long time when I'm wearing it. The only trouble with this is getting hold of it in the right shade- most places that sell this foundation always seem to be out of stock, especially in my shade so I was very happy to find this!

I'm really excited to try this skin tint- it's part of the new range by Millie Bobby Brown which seems to be aimed at a slightly younger audience than me, but while I was looking for something a little bit more lightweight than a normal foundation, this really stood out to me.

Now I have used the Conceal and Define concealer in the past and really liked it, which is what drove me to repurchase it. I hadn't initially realised I'd ordered the supersized versions, but I'm really glad I did as they run out pretty quickly. I also ordered the shade C13 as a contour shade, as this is something I've never really experimented with before. 

This is a brand I'd never heard of before this haul. I was initially looking for a different brow product and struggled massively to find anything darker than dark blonde. When I checked this out, it had really good reviews and it being a micro pencil was a massive bonus. It was a bit of guess work trying to find the right shade, but on first impression I think I got it right.

So this is the first wet and wild product I've ordered. Initially I was very surprised at the size of this mascara- it is tiny! At £2.50 I wasn't expecting the world, but even so it does seem very small. I've had sample mascaras the same size as this. However, I'm not going to write it off based off size, I'll wait until I've worn it for a whole day before forming an opinion.

Overall,I'm really looking forward to using these products. There are some old favourites couples in with some brand new items and after being so disinterested in make up for so long, this was exactly what I needed to kick myself up the bum and try again.

Tuesday 14 May 2019

my Clarins Skincare: Overview

A few weeks ago, I applied for a free sample of the new my Clarins skincare range through their website (I'm not sure if you are still able to do this). It took a few weeks to actually arrive, although  I'm not sure what date it did actually arrive as I was on holiday when it came. I was initially surprised as to how many products were in the bag, as I didn't realise there were so many. I'm also impressed about how the products are all in tubes (bar the double serum, although you get a few sachets of this) meaning you get a decent sized amount of product to try.

The first product listed on their very helpful explanation sheet is the Re-Boost refreshing hydrating cream. It claims to 'restore balance and glow' and boasts beneficial ingredients such as Organic Coconut Water, Alprenrose Extract and Acerola Seed Extract. I'm really excited to use this, as it's best for use on dehydrated skin, and my skin in in definite need of hydration.

Next is the Re-Move Purifying Cleansing Gel. The clues in the name with this one- its a gel cleanser which gives 'squeaky clean skin without the shine' with ingredients such as Moringa Extract, Meadowsweet Extract and Bitter Orange Floral Water Extract. Again, this is something I'm really excited to try as the promise of shiny free clean skin is all I've ever wanted.

Moving onwards, there is the Re-Charge Relaxing Sleep Mask. this claims to 'hydrate and fuel skin' as well as 'brightening and clearing your complexion' as you sleep. This lists ingredients such as Organic Coconut Water, Alpenrose Extract and Fig Extract. I'm really hoping this lives up to its claims and hydrates my skin as I am in desperate need!

Finally. there is the Double Serum, which is states as being the 'No.1 Anti Ageing Serum in the UK'. While it states it has 20+ active plant extracts, it only names one directly, which is Tumeric. As I'm only in my early 20's, anti- ageing skincare isn't high on my list of priorities at the moment, but I can definitely appreciate a decent serum.

Sunday 6 January 2019

Goodbye 2018

As were now six (how time flies!) days into 2019, I wanted to take the time to sit down and reflect on how my 2018 has been. I realised it's been a year full of massive ups and downs, tears and laughter and many many smiles. 

One of the best things about my year technically started in December 2017, but he's made up such a huge part of my 2018 I couldn't leave him out. That is of course, my cat Lockie. I've managed to get through the demented kitten stage with all my fingers and toes still attached, and he's settled into being a pampered little prince who's greatest pleasure in life is curling up on my lap. You know how when you love someone so much you could just squeeeeeeze them? That's how I feel when I look at him.

The biggest non cat related thing to happen this year is me and Ollie have started seriously saving to buy a house. It's something we've wanted to do for years, but something or other has always cropped up. However, we've managed to really put our heads down and make some progress, and it's looking hopeful for 2019.

One of the hardest things that's happened this year is the battle with my health. The underlying theme for 2018 has been me going backwards and forwards to the doctors, having blood test after blood test and sitting in the waiting room for a very long time. This does mean after years and years of pain I am now getting closer to finding out whats wrong with me, but I know I've got more tests and more hours of sitting in waiting rooms to look forward too.

Throughout the year I've tried to be a "proper" blogger and just found that I way putting way to much pressure on myself, so I decided to relax it a bit more and try to focus on just doing it my way. I've had periods of time where I've not worn any makeup at all, and other times where I've gone all out every single day. In 2019 I'm going to focus on buying cosmetic products I really need, instead of thinking I need everything I see promoted. 

Throughout the year I've made some amazing memories, met some wonderful people and had a real laugh. I've had a rollerco
aster of a time at work and at home, and I've come out the other side feeling more determined than ever. It's so easy in life to only focus on the negatives, but on reflection I've actually had quite a fun year.

Bring on 2019!

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Plouise Palette Review

So I ummed and ahhhed about actually posting this review, as not long after I bought this palette it was announced it had limited stock left as Plouise was making room for her new palette and products. It felt a little unfair to be reviewing a product that you may not be able to buy soon. However, I thought that it may provide some knowledge on the future palette if the quality is the same, and this palette is giving me so much joy I just had to blog about it.

So for those of you who may not know, Plouise is a Make up academy, and she also has a cosmetics range. The academy currently has over 500k followed on Instagram, as well as a large and thriving group on Facebook. The academy began in 2014, and has gone from strength to strength from then.

She became well known for using MAC Select Cover up as a base for eyeshadow, which then led to her releasing her own eyeshadow base. Following on from that, there came the plouise palette, which is what I'm going to be talking about today. In the future, there seems to be a new palette coming, as well as new pigments and coloured bases. 

The palette itself cost me £28 (reduced price) which is the most expensive palette i own. I did nearly cry when I ordered it online, but I decided it was absolutely worth it after seeing everyone posts online. I then had go pay for shipping on top of this, which bumped the price up even more. 

Inside the palette are 12 decent sized pans, with shades ranging from light beige to deep marron/purple. There are also two shimmer shades which will complement pretty much every shade I can think of as they're so universal. The colour payoff of these shadows is insaaaane. They are just so easy to blend all over the eyes, and you only need the tiniest bit to get decent pigement on the eyes. I really enjoy using this palette, as it's just so easy to use, even for a non-skilled person like me. I would say for my first 'high-end purchase, it was definitely worth it.

Left to right: Plouise, Sunkissed, Burnt, Latte, Queen, Charm, Trippin, Prin, Bestie, Contour, Martini, Slay. (I screwed up and put Prin in the wrong place)

The only issue I personally have with the palette is the white shade 'charm' can seem to fade on my eyes after a while, which means the blinding whiteness of the look disappears somewhat. It's not a massive issue for me as I only really use it towards the inner portion of my eyes so it's not overly noticeable, but it might be an issue for some people.

Overall, the palette is definite win for me. It's still currently listed on their website, but I don't know how long it'll be on there for. I will say it's made me more excited to try more of their products in the future, especially the new palette. 

Monday 15 October 2018

Swatch Perfect Stencil Review

Not so long ago I discovered the brand Swatch Perfect over on Instagram. They're a UK based brand with over 3000 followed on Instagram, and they produce stencils for makeup swatches. Their page states they have over 170 designs, which is absolutely crazy.

I decided there and then I needed to get some stencils. I'd always been unhappy with the way my swatches looked, as they never seemed as straight and uniformed as others I'd see online. I fell in love with the way the stencils looks. The only problem was, how did I decide which stencils to get?

In the end, I went for the XL Leopard Print, the Rounded Stripes 10 pan, the Cutout Heart Stripes 14 pan and the Lips Mini single pack. When the order arrived there was also a small 'swatch perfect' stencil.

In terms of reviewing the products, there's not really a lot I can say. They make searching products a lot easier for me than before, and they are so easy to use. It's a case of simply peeling the stencil away from the backing, placing it where you want and then applying the product over the top. To keep them clean and maintain them, I wipe them over after use with miceller water and then replace them on the white backing.

Overall I'm very happy with the prices I received, and will definitely be adding more swatch stencils from Swatch Perfect to my collection