Sunday, 6 January 2019

Goodbye 2018

As were now six (how time flies!) days into 2019, I wanted to take the time to sit down and reflect on how my 2018 has been. I realised it's been a year full of massive ups and downs, tears and laughter and many many smiles. 

One of the best things about my year technically started in December 2017, but he's made up such a huge part of my 2018 I couldn't leave him out. That is of course, my cat Lockie. I've managed to get through the demented kitten stage with all my fingers and toes still attached, and he's settled into being a pampered little prince who's greatest pleasure in life is curling up on my lap. You know how when you love someone so much you could just squeeeeeeze them? That's how I feel when I look at him.

The biggest non cat related thing to happen this year is me and Ollie have started seriously saving to buy a house. It's something we've wanted to do for years, but something or other has always cropped up. However, we've managed to really put our heads down and make some progress, and it's looking hopeful for 2019.

One of the hardest things that's happened this year is the battle with my health. The underlying theme for 2018 has been me going backwards and forwards to the doctors, having blood test after blood test and sitting in the waiting room for a very long time. This does mean after years and years of pain I am now getting closer to finding out whats wrong with me, but I know I've got more tests and more hours of sitting in waiting rooms to look forward too.

Throughout the year I've tried to be a "proper" blogger and just found that I way putting way to much pressure on myself, so I decided to relax it a bit more and try to focus on just doing it my way. I've had periods of time where I've not worn any makeup at all, and other times where I've gone all out every single day. In 2019 I'm going to focus on buying cosmetic products I really need, instead of thinking I need everything I see promoted. 

Throughout the year I've made some amazing memories, met some wonderful people and had a real laugh. I've had a rollerco
aster of a time at work and at home, and I've come out the other side feeling more determined than ever. It's so easy in life to only focus on the negatives, but on reflection I've actually had quite a fun year.

Bring on 2019!