Saturday 18 March 2017


Hi everybody!
So as this is my first blog post, I thought I would do a little introduction about myself and what I want my blog to be about. My name is Layla, I'm 20 years old and am from Worcester, England. I've had a love for make up for years and years, but I've recently started to spend more time on my make up and beauty routines, as well as developing my skills and trying out different brands. I wanted to start this blog as a way for me share with others my love for make up and to hopefully chat to others to find out more about make up.

I am in no way an expert at make up and would never claim to be and I'm still learning new ways to apply my make up and I'm still discovering new brands, so I'm hoping that this blog is a way to share that discovery with others and to learn new tips from others.

Most of the products I use are drugstore items, or are cheap items I have ordered online from Amazon or Ebay, so if that sort of thing interests you, please keep checking out my blog!

Aaaaand this is my face.
Thank you so much for reading guys! xx

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