Saturday, 28 October 2017

Friday Shopping Trip

Hi Everyone!

So to make the most of the week me and Ollie had off together, we decided to get up early yesterday morning and go for a mooch around town. I love going shopping during the week as town is so much quieter, even during half term. I feel that working weekends in a shop for four years has traumatised me and I do my utmost to avoid the place mid-day Saturday, so being able to go during the week was a real luxury. (How easily pleased am I?!) 

I've had a River Island gift card burning a hole in my purse now for months, so that was the first place I went to. Ollie is a man of many talents, and was able to pick out the perfect little bag for me and after using my £10 gift card it only cost me £14, so winner winner chicken dinner!

After River Island we then went over to Primark. Unusually, I wasn't wowed by anything in there today which is a surprise as I was expecting to fall in love with loads of winter clothes in there. However, I do often find that Primarks in other places usually have better things in than ours so I guess I'll have to just keep looking. I did find a really cute beanie in there which only cost me £2. It came in a range of colours so I may have to go back and get some more as I love a good beanie.

After looking around a few more shops we ended up in Sports Direct. The only thing I ended up buying was an Ab Roller, which i genuinely think may have the power to kill me off. I've only tried using it once and it failed miserably, so I'll update if I ever get better at it!

As always guys, thanks for reading! Any comments or feedback is much appreciated xxx

Friday, 27 October 2017

My thoughts on: On and Off the Wagon

Hi guys! 

So it's been a while since I last wrote a blog post, life has just been hectic and I felt like I've been really struggling to write anything from a beauty perspective.. I guess I've been stuck in a bit of a rut with my make-up routines and the products I used so I felt like I lacked the ability to write any meaningful content. However, I started this blog with the intention of discussing my (slightly boring) life as well as one of my main passions, so I decided to just start typing and see where I ended up!

The thing I want to talk about today is something I briefly spoke about in a previous post- my weight loss story. At that point when the blog post went up, I was in a really good place with my health and the direction it was heading. Shortly after that post, I went on a holiday for a week and allowed myself to relax a bit more whilst down there. When I came back home I only had a day to settle back into a normal routine before returning to work and then working a very busy seven week term. Through all this, I let my healthy eating habits completely slip- I was back to only eating one really unhealthy meal a day, I was back drinking energy drinks again. The gym got sidelined all together and during that time the only thing I carried on with was my clubbersize classes as I absolutely love going to those. Whilst during all of this I only put 3 pounds back on, I ended up feeling so tired and lethargic and I missed the feeling I had when I was on track.

Fast forward to just over a week ago when I realised that payday fell on the wrong side of half-term and I was facing a week of having a good week off with very limited funds. It was at this point that me and my partner decided it was time to get back into the gym seeing as we pay for it monthly, and to focus on our nutrition. To say we went hard is an understatement. We have been going to the gym every day, as well as also going swimming (sometimes on the same day) and both been sticking to strict calorie limits. The results of this have been amazing, and although I haven't weighed myself since the start of the week, I can already feel the benefits of regular exercise and ensuring my body has the right nutrition.

However, I feel like it is important to say here that it's not always perfect. As previously mentioned, I have a history of unhealthy eating patterns, and when I'm calorie counting I can very easily become too obsessed with tracking what I eat and overly restricting myself to the point where my body isn't getting enough fuel. This led to a moment of slight panic today when I sat having a family meal that had been planned for a while, I glanced at the menu and had to decide between my favourite foods and food I don't like as much of the 'lighter' menu just to fit in with my calorie limit. This was when my lovely partner stepped in and reminded me that enjoying myself is more important that constantly obsessing over calories and not enjoying food. So I opted for the smothered chicken and I can honestly say I don't regret my decision one bit. I even let myself be talked into having a pudding I'd been dying to try for ages and yet again, I 100% do not regret having the cake. I just think that sometimes I need a gentle reminder to enjoy things as a treat, and not then eat far too much or too little.

This is said cake. Did this cake take me over my calorie allowance for the day? Absolutely. Did I enjoy eating it? Definitely. Do I care that it took over my calorie allowance for the day? Absolutely not. Yum.

So this actually turned out to be a massively long post! If you made it this far, honestly well done for reading my waffle! I just feel like this is such an important topic to discuss as there are so many people like myself in the world who have a distorted view of food and healthiness and if I can help just one person overcome this then that makes it worthwhile. 
So as always lovelies, thank you so much for reading!xxx