Saturday 28 October 2017

Friday Shopping Trip

Hi Everyone!

So to make the most of the week me and Ollie had off together, we decided to get up early yesterday morning and go for a mooch around town. I love going shopping during the week as town is so much quieter, even during half term. I feel that working weekends in a shop for four years has traumatised me and I do my utmost to avoid the place mid-day Saturday, so being able to go during the week was a real luxury. (How easily pleased am I?!) 

I've had a River Island gift card burning a hole in my purse now for months, so that was the first place I went to. Ollie is a man of many talents, and was able to pick out the perfect little bag for me and after using my £10 gift card it only cost me £14, so winner winner chicken dinner!

After River Island we then went over to Primark. Unusually, I wasn't wowed by anything in there today which is a surprise as I was expecting to fall in love with loads of winter clothes in there. However, I do often find that Primarks in other places usually have better things in than ours so I guess I'll have to just keep looking. I did find a really cute beanie in there which only cost me £2. It came in a range of colours so I may have to go back and get some more as I love a good beanie.

After looking around a few more shops we ended up in Sports Direct. The only thing I ended up buying was an Ab Roller, which i genuinely think may have the power to kill me off. I've only tried using it once and it failed miserably, so I'll update if I ever get better at it!

As always guys, thanks for reading! Any comments or feedback is much appreciated xxx

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