Friday 6 April 2018

Nyx Ultimate Brights Palette Review

I'm a bit of a bore when it comes to eyeshadow, and for years have only ever worn browns and neutrals shades. It's only been within the last year or so I branched out into including more reds and oranges in my looks as they become more popular across the make-up world. However, around Christmas time 2017 I decided I needed to step my game up a bit and venture out into using brighter eye shadows- stand forward Nyx Ultimate Brights!

Nyx can be found in some Boots stores throughout the UK, and online. I've always liked the look of their products, but I'd never really got round to buying anything more than a liquid lip or glitter pigments. However, when I was given a gift card for Christmas, I decided to spend it on some Nyx products that has been winking at me every time I walked past. By using some clever coupon-ing skills when buying these products, I racked up enough points for me to purchase the Nyx Ultimate Brights Palette (Boots, £16.00) using only points (Yay for freebies).

Straight away I fell in love with this palette. It has 16 very bright shades, which includes both matte and shimmer shades.Visually, this pallette is very pleasing to look at  as the colours are all laid out nicely in similar colour groups, which makes me far happier than it should. 

When swatched, it is definitely the orange shade that comes across as being most pigmented and the red toned shades seem to fade on the skin. However, I've found that when used on the eyes all the colours I've used are really pigmented and show up well. These shadows have really good lasting power to them as well- I did a pink eye look at around 10am, and was receiving compliments about it at around 8pm which really did make my day. Arm swatches are taken during the evening with a Nikon Coolpix with flash on.

It's safe to say I'm truly in love with this palette. I'm trying really hard to step out of my comfort zone more and more, and this palette is definitely helping me achieve that. Whilst I am in no way, shape or form a make-up artist, I really do enjoy playing around with new products and this palette is really helping me step up my makeup game!

Below are two of the looks I've created using this palette. As I've said, I'm not a makeup artist so my skills are lacking compared to other peoples but I do try my best! Also, the bottom photo is taken using an iPhone 6s+, whereas the top is using a Nikon Coolpix which accounts for the differences in quality. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I love the looks you've created :)

