Sunday 16 September 2018

I took a break (again)

Oh how I've missed blogging. When I first started this blog, I had dreams of always being able to produce really good content, of having the most beautiful Instagram layout ever and always having good photos. The reality of it is, my camera skills are dodgy at best, this takes a lot of work and the Instagram algorithiam means my content hardly gets viewed.

For a while I let this really get me down. I would compare myself to others and think that to become more popular, I would need to post just like them. Then when that didn't work, I just had a break from it all. For a while I didn't wear any makeup, I didn't purchase any makeup and I quite frankly couldn't be arsed. I felt like I had no makeup skills and there was no point continuing my blog.

However, one random trip into town meant I ended up picking up the I Heart Revolution Multisticks. This was a complete impulse buy, at that point I couldn't remember the last time I'd worn makeup. There was just something really cite about the multi-function pens that screamed to me. I bought the silver one and the nude one and started to play with makeup again. 

I quickly fell back in love with creating makeup looks again, and decided to slowly start posting more IG looks. While it's painfully slow to be recognised in there, I'm slowly getting more followers so that gave me more motivation.

I decided that I would make my blog my own, I would stop trying to be like others and focus more on what I would want from blog. So, here we go all over again! And if you're reading this and remembering my previous posts, thank you so much for sticking around xxxxx

(Quick little self reminder that a year makes all the difference)

1 comment:

  1. I'm exactly the same, I frequently take little impromptu breaks because I feel like I work really hard on my blog and it doesn't get recognised...

    But I would rather read a blog that someone has made for themselves, I think you can tell when people are just publishing what they think everyone wants to read.

    Keep doing your own thing, I can't wait to read it :)

    Tamara x
