Sunday 14 October 2018

Skincare &+ Random Haul

I'd noticed the other day that my skincare has been lacking recently, so I decided to treat myself to some new bits and bobs. Along the way I got a bit distracted and fell into Primark, and may have accidently bought some new candles (don't you just hate it when that happens?)

Whilst almost everything here is new to me- there is an oldie but goodie. The Naturally Radiant Brightening Radience Balm is something I used to use a few years ago, but somehow it had dropped off my radar. I decided to pick it up again as part of my new skincare routine, and I'm so glad I did.
I also picked up the Naturally Radiant Brightening Eye Cream, and the Vitamin E Hot Cloth Cleanser. Both of these are new to me, and I'm really looking forward to testing them out.
Surprisingly, there are still some people in the world who have never tried Snow Fairy from Lush. I am in that category so I decided this would be the year I tried the all famous Snow Fairy. I Was won over the minute I smelt it in the shop, and now I see why so many people obsess over it. This is very quickly working it's way up my favourites list!

So here are those previously mentioned candles from Primark. I'm shocking at trying to describe scents, so I won't even bother. I will say that they are both scents that really appeal to me, they're quite fresh smelling and just lovely. The packaging of these candles are also a huge winner for me. They're also a steal at £1.00 And £2.00 (larger size).

Keeping in the theme of skincare, these products are from a free kit that Superdrug are giving away when you buy three skincare items. As I'd bought the Brightening balm, Brightening Eye Cream and the Hot Cloth Cleanser, I received this for free. I've tried other products from the Vitamin E range and loved them, so this little kit will prove very handy for me.

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