Sunday 21 January 2018

Happy 2018!

Hi Guys!

Yes, I know I'm actually now 21 days late in publishing my 2018 post (hangs head in shame). The New Year just passed in a blur for me, and due to changes in my job in the new term I've not really had time to sit and think for a while. However, I think writing this post from what is basically the middle of January offers a new perspective, different to the kneejerk 'New Year New Me' posts.

So I actually saw in my New year in the most chilled way possible- watching the fireworks on the telly with Ollie, in  my pyjamas. Before this Ollie had treated me to a nice meal in the local pub. This may not be a typical wild night that most 21 year olds have, but it was truly a perfect way to see 2018 in for us.

In the buildup to 2018, I decided (as I normally do) that I wasn't going to be making any resolutions this year. I always feel that the minute I set myself a resolution, I'm destined to fail it, and that actually in 2017 I'd already smashed a typical resolution of quitting smoking, without waiting for a new year to achieve it. 
I did however decide that I would set myself 'Goals'. Now I know that pretty much seems like a resolution, but it allows me to not put so much pressure on myself, and they're not really things I can fail on.

My first goal for 2018 was to increase my water intake. I found that during the day I wasn't drinking enough water, which was led to me developing really bad headaches in the evening. Halfway through the month, I can say for the most part I've definitely stuck to this and can really feel a difference.

My second goal was to continue building on just leading a healthier lifestyle in general. It's not just about loosing weight or numbers on a scale for me- it's continuing developing a healthy relationship with food and taking part in exercise that I really enjoy. Although the food side is still a work in progress (hello Christmas Chocolate), I have started going to Clubbersize classes again, as I'd really missed those.

My final goal for 2018 is for me and Ollie to move into our own place together. We have actually been in a relationship for over six years now, but for most of that we were either young, students or just not in the right place financially. Hopefully, this will be our year and we can finally move into our own place, be it a flat or a house!

So thanks for reading my (late) 2018 post. I hope you've all had a wonderful start ti the New Year, and I'm excited to see where 2018 takes us!xxxxxx

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