Monday 11 December 2017

Snow Day

Hi Guys! 
So I'm sat at home typing this whilst on my first ever snow day! 
As pretty much everyone will have seen, the U.K has has some pretty decent snow fall the past couple of days. Here in Worcester, we've had enough snow to ensure that the city pretty much ground to a halt yesterday, and that pretty much every school in the city has shut today. Thanks to this, I'm on an unexpected day off so I'll use this as a chance to pre write some more blog posts and catch up on housework.

It's been a few years since we last had proper snow, so I tried to make the most of yesterday by going for walks around the estate, having snowball fights with the neighbours and even building the worlds worst snowman with my mum. I've not yet ventured outside properly today, but after freezing conditions last night I can imagine it's pretty icy out there!

I hope you've all has as much fun in the snow as I have, and if you do go out wrap up warm as it's bloody freezing!
Love you all xxx

(Meet the Snowman so appalling, we didn't bother naming him)

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